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Richard Thompson Returns as 100m National Champion.

Richard Thompson recorded 9.97 secondsin a positive wind of 1.7 to win the Men’s 100 metres final at the National Association for Athletic Administrations (NAAA) National Gas Company (NGC)/Sagicor Senior Championships.

“It’s great to be champion again.” He said after winning.

Rondell Sorillo (9.99) was piped at the line to take second. KestonBledman (10.10) took third. The other runners failed to make the Olympic qualifying time of 10.16 seconds. Only three runners from each country can qualify so if these three stay healthy all is well.

The remaining runners were Emmanuel Callender(10.19) fourth, Marcus Duncan (10.25), Kyle Greaux(10.27) sixth and ShermundAllsop (10.31) seventh.

In the ladies 100m Michelle-Lee Ahye(11.00) took the victory from Semoy Hackett (11.07) and Kelly-Ann Baptiste (11.07). Octavious Freeman (11.14)was fourth and Khalifa St Fort (11.16) was fifth.

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