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Omar McLeod Takes The Gold

Omar McLeod of Jamaica won the men’s 60m hurdles in a world-leading time of 7.41 seconds at the 2016 World Indoor Championship on Sunday March 20, 2016 at the Oregon Convention Centre, USA. McLeod got off to a ragged start, but once he settled into a rhythm over the second hurdle, he stole a step on his rivals and won going away.

France’s Martinot-Lagarde finished second with a season best time of 7.46. Dimitri Bascou of France took third with a time of 7.48.

McLeod competed in the 110m hurdles at the IAAF 2015 Beijing World Championship and got to the finals where he took sixth place. It was his first international championship since turning professional in May 2015 and the young man was clearly dissatisfied with his performance. Six months later albeit at the shorter distance, he has put himself at the head of the pack which includes the two French men who were ahead of him in Beijing.

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