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Elaine Thompson Takes Bronze

It was the start Barbara Pierre dreamed of and she rode it to the gold. She was quick to acknowledge that it was the start which gave her the edge she needed to triumph over her rivals.

“It’s the 60, and it’s really short, so you have to get out,” she said. “It’s really important.”

Her reaction time of 0.138 seconds was noticeably quicker than Schippers or Thompson at 0.144 and 0.174 respectively. Pierre has been enjoying a great season and had registered a PB of 7.00 coming into the Championships.

Schippers, who came into the Championships unbeaten in 2016 was also beaten in the semis by Thompson and expressed displeasure with her start, while stating that her speed was good.

“I’m just going to go for the outdoor season now and run the 100m and the 200m,” she said.

Thompson in spite of her 0.188 reaction time had run 7.04 the fastest time in the semis. She expressed satisfaction with her performance.

“It’s my first World Indoor Championships and I won the bronze,” she said. “I’m really excited about that. My good race in the semifinal motivated and pushed me. “

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